As reported in point 12 of the UN 2030 agenda, "doing more and better with less" is an important goal for us, to create new resources from what until now was considered nothing more than a waste.
We decided as Olians to take the road of recycling, from the world of pre-consumer; we recover production waste for the thermoplastic materials sector, such as Tpu (core business), to create second raw material.
The cycle is born from the concept of Olians 4 R.ecycle that constantly studies the issues of recyclability and sustainability and promotes the use of material with reduced environmental impact specifically in the Luxury&Fashion sector.
The studies and projects of the Olians 4 R.ecycle represent a fixed point of the company mission, thanks to these in 2021 the company decided to invest, together with an industry partner, in an innovative start-up: RE.NOVA PLAST; a new production company that realizes most of the projects promoted and developed by Olians 4 R.ecycle.
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